
Students were very active on the Safer Internet Day. They found out about the safety rules on the Internet. They watched educational films and presentations. They were taking quizzes and playing interactive games. They programmed the Photon robots. The robots have formed a network of contacts. They worked in teams. They edited advice for children. They were programming in Scratch  

I am surprised

  My students wondered what situations provoke surprise. They played drama. They drew emotions of surprise. They wrote the poem "I'm surprised"

FUNDA MERİÇTEN - EMİNE - How should we behave when we are unhappy?


FUNDA MERİÇTEN - FURKAN - How should we behave when we are unhappy?


Emotions - puzzles from our drawings

  We have prepared puzzles from our drawings. We arrange them ourselves. Super fun.

Ways to deal with sadness

  We brainstormed - figured out ways to deal with sadness. Then we created word clouds.

Emotions - sadness

  We talked about emotions. We wondered if sadness is needed and what causes sadness. We tried to find the answer to the question of how to deal with sadness. the children prepared short theater scenes on this topic. Randomly selected scenes: